SIAE and Meta Sign Interim Agreement, Songs Return to Facebook and Instagram
It is the first effect of the intervention of the Italian Antitrust in the dispute. Meta obtained an interim extension of the licence that expired on Dec. 31
Ph. Claudio Schwarz / Unsplash
Songs of the SIAE repertoire return to Facebook and Instagram – at least for now. It is the result of an interim agreement signed by Meta and the Italian collecting society.
Financial newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore reports that the deal was based on Meta’s proposal to obtain an extension of the conditions of the licence that expired on December 31, 2022.
SIAE comments the interim agreement
“SIAE expresses satisfaction for this result, which was sought and reached”, said the collecting society in a statement. “Still, we will keep safeguarding the interests of our associates. We will work tirelessly to reach a definitive agreement that be long-lasting and based on equity and transparency, as requested by the European directive on copyright. We will conduct the negotiations respecting the decisions and the actions taken by the Italian Antitrust”.
Under-secretary of State to the Ministry of Culture, Lucia Borgonzoni, also expressed satisfaction. “It is good that Meta and SIAE reached a compromise”, she said. “It is good news for the users of the platforms, but especially for our artists and their works. Now we hope that the next months of negotiations bring a total and long-lasting solution”.
The intervention of the Antitrust
The interim agreement is the first effect of the direct intervention of the Italian Antitrust in the dispute between Meta and SIAE.
On April 21, AGCM (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato) invited Zuckerberg’s company to “provide all the necessary information to allow SIAE to restore a balance within the commercial relations, keeping a behavior based on good faith and honesty”. Which meant: restart negotiations as soon as possible.
At the same time, the Antitrust invited Meta to restore the songs taken down on Facebook and Instagram. The current interim agreement seems to be the practical extension of that invite.